Golden Empire Council
P.O. Box 13558
Sacramento, CA 95853-3558
(916) 929-1417 | (800) 427-1417

Welcome to the Trading Post

At long last, we have the trading post up and running.  Orders for the hats and polo shirts will be processed every couple of weeks and the shirts will be shipped out UPS.  We are trying to match the 2001 Camp Lassen Mug design still haven't found the match, so the mugs will be on back order for a while.  Remember, the trading post is part of our fundraiser and we would would like to thank both those who make trading post purchases and tax-deductible direct donations for support of Camp Lassen.    
Save the Fees

If you would like to save the e-commerce or credit card fees, or if you don't like to do business over the internet, you can print our mail-in donation form that must accompany your check.  Any donations for this association will be tracked according to your written instructions. 

Mail in Donation and Membership Form

"Ye Ol’ Trading Post” Items